Employing your skills as cabin crew for a major airline presents an exciting yet demanding journey.
Beyond the allure of traveling to exotic destinations, this role carries significant responsibilities and
necessitates specialized expertise to ensure passengers; safety and comfort, all while adhering to
industry regulations.
This course caters particularly to young professionals aspiring to launch their careers in this domain.
It introduces essential skills and responsibilities expected by top-tier global airlines, with a strong
emphasis on customer service and protocols for managing unique in-flight situations. The courses
final module imparts valuable insights into navigating the recruitment process successfully.
Moreover, this course incorporates a Safety Equipment Procedure (SEP) trainer, offering a
comprehensive overview of the aircraft, safety equipment, and the location of emergency
procedures, accessible through web or mobile platforms.
Course Code: SIFTAV-05
What you will learn?
Upon completing this course you will have the skills to:
Course content
Certificate awarded
Upon successfully passing the final exam, participants will receive an International Certificate.